Thursday, May 29, 2014

Minister highlights importance of Islamic literature

Syazwani Hj Rosli
Borneo Bulletin
Friday 30 May 2014

THE Minister of Religious Affairs, Pg Dato Seri Setia Dr Haji Mohammad bin Pg Haji Abdul Rahman, yesterday highlighted the increasing importance of Islamic literature for the nation in implementing the philosophy of Malay Islamic Monarchy (MIB) and realising the nation’s vision in becoming a Zikir nation.

Islamic literature will support and help in achieving both these goals, said the minister in his speech during the Islamic Literature Platform held yesterday at the Royal Berkshire Hall, Royal Brunei Polo & Riding Club in Jerudong.

Islamic literature has undergone a spiritual process involving inner thoughts and emotions of a human soul,” he continued.

The minister also added that Islamic literature will incorporate moral values as is the concept of MIB.
In his speech, Pg Dato Seri Setia Dr Haji Mohammad emphasised that the aim of Islamic literature is to issue a call and invitation to do good deeds as well as to forbid evil.

The Minister of Religious Affairs also said that Islamic literature requires religious knowledge in order to carry it out.

In order to strengthen Islamic literature in reinforcing a civilised Islamic nation, efforts are required from academic and non-academic institutions, individuals and communities to play a role in its growth.
Thursday, May 29, 2014

IT IS important to strengthen national resilience in the face of the challenges of the 21st century, particularly in the areas of social, economic, and politics.

Yang Berhormat Pehin Udana Khatib Dato Paduka Seri Setia Ustaz Hj Badaruddin Pengarah Dato Paduka Hj Othman, who is the Minister of Home Affairs, says this in his working paper presented by Associate Professor Dr Hj Hashim Hj Abdul Hamid during a seminar on literature held at the Goldstone Ballroom of the Centrepoint, Gadong, yesterday.
YB Pehin Dato Paduka Ustaz Hj Badaruddin quoted in the paper His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darusslam’s titah on national resilience delivered during his 44th Birthday Celebration on July 21, 1990.

Quoting the titah, YB Pehin Dato Paduka Ustaz Hj Badaruddin said that every citizen should step forward to be a hero and face the challenges of the 21st century. Being a hero here refers to becoming a writer or literary enthusiast.

According to the working paper, writers and literature enthusiasts are amongst those in society who understand the aspirations of the nation and therefore are suitable candidates that can translate the concept, philosophy and value of a Malay Islamic Monarchy nation.

“Malay poems are examples of oral literature that contain a lot of aspects, such as kindness, honesty, trustworthiness, responsibility, respect, among others,” said YB Pehin Dato Paduka Ustaz Hj Badaruddin in the working paper.

Additionally, he said that in the Syair Rajang, the writer advises readers to practice, appreciate and perform the five pillars of Islam, the six pillars of faith and do good. “The poet wants the readers to become good Muslims,” he said.

YB Pehin Dato Paduka Ustaz Hj Badaruddin further said that the role of knowledge in strengthening the concept of Malay Islamic Monarchy cannot be deterred, especially in this era where knowledge is dynamic in nature and constantly growing.

“With knowledge, our race can develop thinking and skills in different areas that will contribute to strengthening national resilience and further establish the safety and well-being of the citizens in the hereafter.”

Examination of the Malay poems presented in the working paper, shows that literature plays an important role in shaping thoughts, behaviours and attitudes among traditional societies (ma-syarakat tradisional). “Literature can also help bring out traits of constantly thinking, interpreting and evaluating what message an author is trying to deliver.”

He concluded that literature has an important role in planting and upholding the values of Malay Islamic Monarchy and igniting the feeling of patriotism amongst the members of the community.

The Brunei Times

Literature can enrich MIB values

Thursday, May 29, 2014

LITERATURE can be used as a platform to strengthen and enrich the value of the Malay Islamic Monarchy (MIB) in the community, especially amongst the youths of the country, says the Minister of Education.

Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Kerna Dato Seri Setia Hj Awang Abu Bakar Hj Apong, the chairperson of the MIB Supreme Council, was speaking during the first seminar on literature organised by the MIB Supreme Council and the Brunei Darussalam Association of Writers (ASTERAWANI), yesterday.

“Literature enables an indivi-dual to develop critical and creative thinking skills as well as the ability to open one’s minds to ambiguities of meaning, to refine judgment and make decisions as required.”

The minister, who was the guest of honour at the event, also said that knowledge of literature in the 21st century is a form of knowledge that is very important and relevant like other fields of social sciences, such as history, sociology, anthropology and language.

“The progress of a society’s development is not only based on physical measurements, science, and technology, but also take into account humanitarian and spiritual aspects,” he said.

“Knowledge on literature (ilmu kesusasteraan) is a form of discipline that is closely related to the emotional aspects of human life. Literature can contribute to the development of individual moral standards and religious obedience, among others.

“The values contained in literary works is able to develop individual characteristics which in turn can be benefited in building a harmonious, prosperous and peaceful community and country,” he said.

More than 100 participants from several schools, universities and government offices are taking part in the seminar which has a theme of ‘To maintain and Preserve the Malay Islamic Monarchy Lifestyle.’

The two-day seminar, held at the Goldstone Ballroom, the Centrepoint in Gadong, will conclude today.

The Brunei Times

Saturday, May 24, 2014


"Beta tidaklah ragu, Konsep ‘Melayu Islam Beraja’ telah difahami dengan baiknya serta didukung dengan tulus ikhlas oleh segenap lapisan rakyat.
Ia bukanlah slogan, tetapi sistem yang mengawal cara hidup. Di bawahnya kita bernaung, membangun dan di bawahnya juga kita mendapat keadilan.
Apakah yang lebih indah lagi daripada ini?"
Ketika bertitah memperingati ulangtahun ke 30 negara merdeka, Baginda Sultan menekankan:
"Pada hemat Beta, MIB adalah merupakan satu-satunya pendinding atau ‘Firewall’ yang kukuh lagi berkesan untuk menangani pelbagai isu dan cabaran globalisasi”. 
“Globalisasi, dalam realitinya, telah memacu perubahan paling cepat. Penggunaan internet dan pelbagai jenis media sosial pula, telah menjadikan penyebaran informasi sebagai tidak lagi bersempadan. Maklumat-maklumat sudah dapat disalurkan dengan begitu mudah kepada sesiapa sahaja”.

"Ini, memastikan kita perlu bijak dan berhati-hati untuk memperolehi menfa’atnya. Sebaliknya jika kita cuai atau salah guna, maka kesan buruknya, bukan sahaja kepada diri individu, malahan juga kepada negara”

Pehin Dato Seri Setia (Dr) Hj Abdul Aziz in his keynote address at Sultan Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Centre for Islamic Studies Third International Conference November 2013
“No matter how difficult it may seem, we must acknowledge the fact that the current identity of the youths as Malay Muslim Bruneians is an inherited one. As in all inherited identities, there is always occasion for questions in the minds of the youths as to ‘why’ they are identified as such? And until the youth come to their own conclusions as to whom they see themselves as, there will always be issues, and by extension, questions of their commitment to our national identity as a Malay Islamic Monarchy,”
“The ‘Malay’ component of MIB will become increasingly redundant. Of course these changes will not happen overnight but it is already an obvious possibility. Being ‘Malay’ may turn out to become only a cultural identity rather than an ethnic one,” 
Dato Paduka Dr Hj Abdul Latif Hj Ibrahim, at a seminar on the progress of the Malay Islamic Monarchy (MIB) ideology under His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam’s reign. (November 19, 2013)

THE national ideology of Malay Islamic Monarchy (MIB) is facing an internal identity crisis through each of its three components.
 “We often hear that MIB is the way of life and identity of the Bruneian people, and when I say that MIB is facing an internal crisis, I mean through the three components.” 

Friday, May 23, 2014


Sempena 30 tahun negara merdeka, Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaullah, Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam telah bertitah mengariskan:

“…..Pada hemat Beta, MIB adalah merupakan satu-satunya pendinding atau ‘Firewall’ yang kukuh lagi berkesan untuk menangani pelbagai isu dan cabaran globalisasi”.

“Globalisasi, dalam realitinya, telah memacu perubahan paling cepat. Penggunaan internet dan pelbagai jenis media sosial pula, telah menjadikan penyebaran informasi sebagai tidak lagi bersempadan. Maklumat-maklumat sudah dapat disalurkan dengan begitu mudah kepada sesiapa sahaja”.

“Ini, memastikan kita perlu bijak dan berhati-hati untuk memperolehi menfa’atnya. Sebaliknya jika kita cuai atau salah guna, maka kesan buruknya, bukan sahaja kepada diri individu, malahan juga kepada negara”

Sehubungan dengan itu, warga media Negara Brunei Darussalam sewajarnya rasa terpanggil untuk sama-sama menyambut titah tersebut.

Selaku pengamal media, mereka perlu sama-sama berada dibarisan hadapan "LINE OF DEFENSE' FIREWALL MIB.

Dalam hal ini Inforium MIB Warga Media diharap dapat dijadikan wadah untk pengamal-pengamal media mengatur langkah kehadapan kearah menyukong dan mendokong titah tersebut.


Brunei journalists to form Club?

BRUNEI at last has its own Press Club, thanks to local media practitioners from mainstream news media who have decided to join hands to form Brunei Darussalam Press Club.

With the incorporation of the Brunei Darussalam Press Club, mass media practitioners in the country now have a platform to address and act on issues pertaining to their well-being, including matters on their roles and responsibilities as main purveyors of information and opinion about public affairs in a society that observe Melayu Islam Beraja as a way of life.

That would be a two paragraphs opening nice news story Brunei journalists would like to see happening in the near future. It will be a dream comes true; a dream that has been around for so long but never got off the ground to see the light of the day for it to become a reality.

So now a handful of local journalists from the Borneo Bulletin, Brunei Times and Media Permata have decided it’s high time to keep the dream alive. They view the forming of a community of media practitioners in Brunei as a pressing need, especially in view of the advent of citizen journalism in this new era web publishing and digital technology.

They also agree that it is high time to set journalistic standards in Brunei. And they would consider MIB as a point of reference for good elements that could empower them with tools that they need in performing their roles and responsibilities with integrity based on the principles of truth, disclosure, and editorial independence.

For that, they have agreed to join hands in organising a forum or to be precise an ‘Inforium’- a connotation of information sharing session, a forum and a symposium.

The aim is to bring together media practitioners, active bloggers and other new citizen journalists on such platform where they could exchange views and discuss their hopes and concerns on matters important to their profession as chief purveyors of information and opinions on public affairs. Other relevant stakeholders would also be included to ensure more and richer substance in their deliberations.The Inforium will take on the theme, “The Media Role, Responsibilities and Challenges in Upholding Melayu Islam Beraja in the Era of Digital Technology”.

The expectation is that, the ‘Inforium’ will generate interesting debates on what matters in the sphere of journalism, their concerns on freedom of speech and expressions, ethics and journalism standards in this era of web publishing and digital technology, and the challenges in operating in a society that live up to the ideal of Malay Islamic Monarchy.

What is ‘Good Practice’ for Brunei journalist in the context of Islamic teachings, in the context of Malay customs and traditions, and in the context of the system of governance in the country?

These are some of the interesting questions that are expected to be examined at the Inforium that will feature mixture of speakers and panelists proficient in journalism as well as those experts in MIB. For this matter, MIB Council being the authority in Melayu Islam Beraja affairs has been consulted for advice and support.

It is hoped that the Inforium will helped elevate and empowered local media practitioners in the country as professional journalists in the true sense, a shift from a mediocre diary reporting journalism. Also expected is a resolution that will serve as references and guidelines on best practices, ethics and journalism standards in Brunei. And it is also hoped that the Inforium will be a catalyst to the formation of Brunei Darussalam Press Club.

In this endeavor, PPP Ilmu Alim, a local management consultancy firm has been appointed as facilitator and event management.

When it will be held is not yet decided. However an invitation is now extended to other relevant parties to come on board for preparatory discussion sessions. Those interested may contact 8735-777 for further details.