Thursday, May 29, 2014

Literature can enrich MIB values

Thursday, May 29, 2014

LITERATURE can be used as a platform to strengthen and enrich the value of the Malay Islamic Monarchy (MIB) in the community, especially amongst the youths of the country, says the Minister of Education.

Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Kerna Dato Seri Setia Hj Awang Abu Bakar Hj Apong, the chairperson of the MIB Supreme Council, was speaking during the first seminar on literature organised by the MIB Supreme Council and the Brunei Darussalam Association of Writers (ASTERAWANI), yesterday.

“Literature enables an indivi-dual to develop critical and creative thinking skills as well as the ability to open one’s minds to ambiguities of meaning, to refine judgment and make decisions as required.”

The minister, who was the guest of honour at the event, also said that knowledge of literature in the 21st century is a form of knowledge that is very important and relevant like other fields of social sciences, such as history, sociology, anthropology and language.

“The progress of a society’s development is not only based on physical measurements, science, and technology, but also take into account humanitarian and spiritual aspects,” he said.

“Knowledge on literature (ilmu kesusasteraan) is a form of discipline that is closely related to the emotional aspects of human life. Literature can contribute to the development of individual moral standards and religious obedience, among others.

“The values contained in literary works is able to develop individual characteristics which in turn can be benefited in building a harmonious, prosperous and peaceful community and country,” he said.

More than 100 participants from several schools, universities and government offices are taking part in the seminar which has a theme of ‘To maintain and Preserve the Malay Islamic Monarchy Lifestyle.’

The two-day seminar, held at the Goldstone Ballroom, the Centrepoint in Gadong, will conclude today.

The Brunei Times

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