Thursday, July 27, 2023

Kopi Talk with Malai Hassan Othman: Brunei Workers' Welfare: A Call for Whole-of-Natio...

Kopi Talk with Malai Hassan Othman: Brunei Workers' Welfare: A Call for Whole-of-Natio...:        The welfare and well-being of Bruneian workers have recently come under scrutiny. Stakeholders have emphasized the need for construct...

Saturday, May 13, 2023



In the early hours, when dawn awakes,

I lace my shoes and venture forth,

To the park, where serenity takes,

As golden rays, embrace the Earth.

With every step, the worries fade,

Left behind, as if they never were,

As morning's touch begins to cascade,

Through body, mind, and soul, so pure.

The path unfurls, beneath my feet,

Each stride a rhythm, a tranquil beat,

As nature's whispers softly greet,

The world awakening, in retreat.

The sun emerges, a radiant fire,

Casting its warmth, upon my skin,

Igniting hope, igniting desire,

Welcoming new days, where dreams begin.

With each inhalation of crisp, fresh air,

My lungs expand, embracing life's bloom,

And worries, like mist, dissolve in thin air,

As the light dispels the shadows of gloom.

The trees stand tall, like ancient sentinels,

Their branches reaching toward the sky,

Nature's embrace, a symphony that compels,

A connection deep, as time floats by.

As the horizon beckons, I move ahead,

Leaving footprints on this sacred ground,

With each stride, my spirit is fed,

And new beginnings, I have found.

So, jog along, with grace and stride,

Embrace the morning's gentle caress,

Let worries vanish, like the tide,

As you journey towards life's happiness.

For in the park, at morning's birth,

As the first rays of the sun appear,

Your body, mind, and soul find worth,

A cleansing balm, so crystal clear.

Leave behind your cares and plight,

Embrace the beauty that lies in store,

As you jog towards the rising light,

A journey of renewal, forevermore.

MHO 14 May 2035

Monday, May 8, 2023

Kopi Talk with Malai Hassan Othman: APA ITU NEGARA MERDEKA SEBENARNYA..?

Kopi Talk with Malai Hassan Othman: APA ITU NEGARA MERDEKA SEBENARNYA..?: Merdeka bermaksud "bebas" atau "merdeka". Ia adalah kata dalam bahasa Melayu yang melambangkan kemerdekaan dan kebebasan...

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Zikir Dalam Perancangan Strategik dan Penyediaan Senario

AHAD 7 JUN 2015: SESEBUAH organisasi perlu menyesuaikan dan menyelaraskan setiap perancangan dengan persekitaran kerohanian, politik dan sosial di Negara Brunei Darussalam yang telah menjadikan konsep Melayu Islam Beraja (MIB) dan Negara Zikir sebagai cara hidup bangsanya.

Kerana kelalaian dalam mengambil kira perkara tersebut boleh saja mendedahkan sesebuah organisasi itu kepada risiko kegagalan yang tinggi dalam perlaksanaan sesuatu dasar dan program pembangunan.
Senario ini antara perkara yang di bincangkan dalam bengkel dua hari yang bertajuk, ‘Strategic Planning dan Scenario Building’ (Perancangan Strategik dan Penyediaan Senario).
Bengkel pengurusan anjuran Institut Perkhidmatan Awam (IPA) itu telah berlangsung di Institut Perkhidmtan Awam Kampong Rimba Gadong pada Rabu 3 Jun hingga 4 Jun 2015.
Seramai 38 orang kakitangan kerajaan yang mewakili beberapa Jabatan dan institusi kerajaan turut serta dalam bengkel yang dikendalikan dan di mudah cara oleh PPP Ilmu Alim, sebuah firma tempatan perundingan pengurusan dan pembangunan sumber manusia.
Melalui bengkel latihan Perancangan Strategik dan Penyediaan Senario ini, PPP Ilmu Alim telah mengambil langkah memperkenalkan modul latihan yang menggabungkan konsep zikir dan Melayu Islam Beraja dengan konsep pengurusan konvensional.
Ini selaras dengan hasrat Kebawah Duli yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan dan Yang Di Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam agar “apa jua perkara yang hendak kita buat, sama ada ia di peringkat memikir, merancang atau melaksana, hendaklah ingatkan Allah…Kita perlu tagih berkata dan petunjuk daripada-Nya”
Ia juga selaras dengan dengan semangat negara sebagai sebuah negara Melayu Islam Beraja dan Negara Zikir serta moto negara; ‘Sentiasa Berkhidmat Dengan Petunjuk Allah Subhanahu Wa ta’ala’ selain bertepatan dengan Wawasan Perkhidmatan Awam Negara Brunei Darussalam Abad ke-21 iaitu: “Untuk menjadi sebuah institusi yang sentiasa membangun dan berusaha dengan gayanya tersendiri menurut calak Islam dalam persekitaran yang sihat dan selamat di bawah inayah dan petunjuk Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala”
Di awal bengkel peserta di ingatkan dengan titah hasrat Baginda Sultan tersebut yang telah di hebahkan pada tahun 2004 sempena Majlis Perasmian Pameran Kepimpinan Raja.        
Dalam titah tersebut baginda berseru, “BETA ingin mengingatkan bahawa apa jua perkara yang hendak kita buat, sama ada ia di peringkat memikir, merancang atau melaksana, kita hendaklah ingatkan Allah… Kita perlu tagih berkat dan petunjuk daripada-Nya”
Bertolak dari titah tersebut, Dato Paduka Malai Haji Ali bin Malai Haji Othman selaku pemudahcara menjelaskan bahawa program latihan dua hari itu di tambah nilai dengan kaedah PERANCANGAN STRATEGIK dan PENYEDIAAN SENARIO yang LEBIH EFEKTIF melalui KONSEP ZIKIR yang akan menyerapkan kaedah DOA, TAFAKUR, INSAF, TAUBAT dan TAWAKAL sebagai nilai tambah kepada alat pengurusan konvensional.
Strategic Planning dan Senario Building merupakan dua alat pengurusan penting yang perlu di laksanakan dan ianya dapat membantu sesebuah organisasi memainkan peranan yang lebih berkesan.
Melalui bengkel ini peserta-peserta antara lain telah berpeluang menjalani latihan dalam perkara-perkara berikut dalam proses melakar perancangan strategik dan peyediaan senario iaitu:
                                                      I.              Proses dalam pembentukan strategi
                                                    II.              Megenalpasti isu
                                                  III.              S.W.O.T Analysis
                                                 IV.              Mengumpul dan menganalisa maklumat
                                                   V.              Akauntabiliti
                                                 VI.              Plan Tindakan dan Perlaksanaan
                                               VII.              Misi, Visi, Nilai-Nilai serta kaedah-kaedah konvensional yang lain yang perlu 
           dilaksanakan dalam proses penyediaan senario dan perancangan strategik  
Sebagai nilai tambah, jelas Dato Malai Ali, KONSEP ZIKIR dan elemen-elemen pengurusan dan pentadbiran baik (good governance) yang terdapat dalam prinsip Melayu Islam Beraja juga diterapkan kedalam konsep perancangan strategik dan penyediaan senario konvensional tersebut.
“Ini merupakan satu pendekatan yang mesra persekitaran kerohanian, politik dan sosial tempatan. Justeru ia perlu dijadikan amalan oleh setiap penjawat awam yang diamanahkan dengan tanggungjawab menyediakan perancangan dan plan tindakan sesuatu projek atau program pembangunan”, tambah Dato Malai Haji Ali.
“Secara ringkas, komponen penting dan asas dalam KONSEP ZIKIR ini ialah DOA, TAFAKUR, INSAF, TAUBAT dan TAWAKAL yang merupakan amalan-amalan terbaik dan dianjurkan dalam psikologi Islam dalam mengejar kejayaan hidup dunia dan akhirat”.       
Katanya melalui bengkel ini, konsep Zikir dan nilai-nilai Melayu Islam Beraja telah dapat diketengahkan sebagai amalan dan kaedah terbaik dalam pembentukan strategi (Strategik Planning), penyediaan senario (Scenario Building), pengurusan dan pemantauan dasar sesebuah institusi kerajaan
“Contohnya peserta-peserta telah berpeluang meghayati pendekatan Islam dalam konteks motivasi diri, memantapkan jati diri dan berfikir serta bertindak sejajar dengan ‘kompas moral’ Melayu Islam Beraja”.  
“Peserta-peserta juga berpeluang melalui latihan dalam melaksanakan 5 tuntutan Maqasid  (objektif) Syariah iaitu dalam menjaga agama, jiwa, akal, keturunan dan harta serta piawaian Islam dalam proses membuat perancangan strategik dan penyediaan senario”.
“Dalam masa sama kita juga tidak mengenepikan kaedah konvensional seperti penggunaan konsep P.E.S.T.E.L (Politics, Economic, Social, Technology, Environment dan Legal) sebagai garis panduan dalam perancangan strategik dan pengurusan”, jelas beliau lagi.
“Seterusnya peserta-peserta juga berpeluang membincangkan sambil menghayati konsep integriti dan akauntabiliti dari perspektif Islam dalam konteks menjaga hubungan dengan Allah SWT (hablumminallah) dan dengan sesama manusia (habulmminannas)”
Katanya lagi, “Kearah memantapkan lagi penghayatan peserta-peserta terhadap Melayu Islam Beraja, program latihan ini juga mengenegahkan Syair Perlembagaan Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saiffudien Sa'adul Khairi Waddien sebagai bahan pembelajaran dalam proses perancangan strategik dan menyediakan senario. Dalam syair perlembagaan ini terdapat banyak petunjuk-petunjuk penting tentang disiplin dalam perancangan strategik dan proses pengubalan dasar yang perlu dijadikan panduan”.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Minister highlights importance of Islamic literature

Syazwani Hj Rosli
Borneo Bulletin
Friday 30 May 2014

THE Minister of Religious Affairs, Pg Dato Seri Setia Dr Haji Mohammad bin Pg Haji Abdul Rahman, yesterday highlighted the increasing importance of Islamic literature for the nation in implementing the philosophy of Malay Islamic Monarchy (MIB) and realising the nation’s vision in becoming a Zikir nation.

Islamic literature will support and help in achieving both these goals, said the minister in his speech during the Islamic Literature Platform held yesterday at the Royal Berkshire Hall, Royal Brunei Polo & Riding Club in Jerudong.

Islamic literature has undergone a spiritual process involving inner thoughts and emotions of a human soul,” he continued.

The minister also added that Islamic literature will incorporate moral values as is the concept of MIB.
In his speech, Pg Dato Seri Setia Dr Haji Mohammad emphasised that the aim of Islamic literature is to issue a call and invitation to do good deeds as well as to forbid evil.

The Minister of Religious Affairs also said that Islamic literature requires religious knowledge in order to carry it out.

In order to strengthen Islamic literature in reinforcing a civilised Islamic nation, efforts are required from academic and non-academic institutions, individuals and communities to play a role in its growth.
Thursday, May 29, 2014

IT IS important to strengthen national resilience in the face of the challenges of the 21st century, particularly in the areas of social, economic, and politics.

Yang Berhormat Pehin Udana Khatib Dato Paduka Seri Setia Ustaz Hj Badaruddin Pengarah Dato Paduka Hj Othman, who is the Minister of Home Affairs, says this in his working paper presented by Associate Professor Dr Hj Hashim Hj Abdul Hamid during a seminar on literature held at the Goldstone Ballroom of the Centrepoint, Gadong, yesterday.
YB Pehin Dato Paduka Ustaz Hj Badaruddin quoted in the paper His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darusslam’s titah on national resilience delivered during his 44th Birthday Celebration on July 21, 1990.

Quoting the titah, YB Pehin Dato Paduka Ustaz Hj Badaruddin said that every citizen should step forward to be a hero and face the challenges of the 21st century. Being a hero here refers to becoming a writer or literary enthusiast.

According to the working paper, writers and literature enthusiasts are amongst those in society who understand the aspirations of the nation and therefore are suitable candidates that can translate the concept, philosophy and value of a Malay Islamic Monarchy nation.

“Malay poems are examples of oral literature that contain a lot of aspects, such as kindness, honesty, trustworthiness, responsibility, respect, among others,” said YB Pehin Dato Paduka Ustaz Hj Badaruddin in the working paper.

Additionally, he said that in the Syair Rajang, the writer advises readers to practice, appreciate and perform the five pillars of Islam, the six pillars of faith and do good. “The poet wants the readers to become good Muslims,” he said.

YB Pehin Dato Paduka Ustaz Hj Badaruddin further said that the role of knowledge in strengthening the concept of Malay Islamic Monarchy cannot be deterred, especially in this era where knowledge is dynamic in nature and constantly growing.

“With knowledge, our race can develop thinking and skills in different areas that will contribute to strengthening national resilience and further establish the safety and well-being of the citizens in the hereafter.”

Examination of the Malay poems presented in the working paper, shows that literature plays an important role in shaping thoughts, behaviours and attitudes among traditional societies (ma-syarakat tradisional). “Literature can also help bring out traits of constantly thinking, interpreting and evaluating what message an author is trying to deliver.”

He concluded that literature has an important role in planting and upholding the values of Malay Islamic Monarchy and igniting the feeling of patriotism amongst the members of the community.

The Brunei Times

Literature can enrich MIB values

Thursday, May 29, 2014

LITERATURE can be used as a platform to strengthen and enrich the value of the Malay Islamic Monarchy (MIB) in the community, especially amongst the youths of the country, says the Minister of Education.

Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Kerna Dato Seri Setia Hj Awang Abu Bakar Hj Apong, the chairperson of the MIB Supreme Council, was speaking during the first seminar on literature organised by the MIB Supreme Council and the Brunei Darussalam Association of Writers (ASTERAWANI), yesterday.

“Literature enables an indivi-dual to develop critical and creative thinking skills as well as the ability to open one’s minds to ambiguities of meaning, to refine judgment and make decisions as required.”

The minister, who was the guest of honour at the event, also said that knowledge of literature in the 21st century is a form of knowledge that is very important and relevant like other fields of social sciences, such as history, sociology, anthropology and language.

“The progress of a society’s development is not only based on physical measurements, science, and technology, but also take into account humanitarian and spiritual aspects,” he said.

“Knowledge on literature (ilmu kesusasteraan) is a form of discipline that is closely related to the emotional aspects of human life. Literature can contribute to the development of individual moral standards and religious obedience, among others.

“The values contained in literary works is able to develop individual characteristics which in turn can be benefited in building a harmonious, prosperous and peaceful community and country,” he said.

More than 100 participants from several schools, universities and government offices are taking part in the seminar which has a theme of ‘To maintain and Preserve the Malay Islamic Monarchy Lifestyle.’

The two-day seminar, held at the Goldstone Ballroom, the Centrepoint in Gadong, will conclude today.

The Brunei Times